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  3. 天鹅公主:明日公主今日海盗
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类型:喜剧 动画 更新时间:2016-09-06
地区:美国 导演:Richard Rich Maurice Joyce
人物:劳拉·贝莉 Maxine Blue Kellen Goff Grant Durazzo 尤里·洛文塔尔 劳拉·贝利 Jayden Isabel 尤里·罗文福 Joseph Medrano Clayton James Doug Stone Laura Bailey Gardner Jaas Catherine Lavin Kirby Leigh Kevin Lincoln Yuri Lowenthal Jennifer Miller Brian Nissen Joe Ochman Chris Smith
简介:With her parents away for the summer, fun-loving, young Princess Alise must spend her time with Queen Uberta, training to be the perfect, proper royal...But what she really wants is to become a swashbuckling pirate! Princess Alise sets sail with Lord Rogers, Jean-Bob the frog and Speed the turtle on a bold, high seas journey filled with amazing adventure, danger and discovery. After a shipwreck leaves the brave crew stranded on a wild, mysterious island, they meet Lucas, a young boy who has been living in seclusion. Now the faithful friends must work together to escape the island and the ferociously hungry creatures that dwell there.