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  4. 泰坦尼克号:结案[电影解说]
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类型:电影解说 年代:2012
标签:电影解说 地区:美国
导演:Nigel Levy 演员:伯纳德·希尔,John Guerrasio,Nick Figgis
简介:IMDb  The documentary looks at the reasons behind the sinking and lack of rescue of the RMS Titanic, and sees Tim Matlin, author of several books about the Titanic travel to locations across Europe, North American and the Atlantic Ocean to meet experts and perform experiments to test theories.  国家地理频道官网:  Titanic Case Closed presents a revolutionary new theory from historian and author Tim Maltin, which offers an examination of the Titanic’s ill-fated voyage and tragic final hours, pieced together with dramatic recreation and documentary.  This two-hour special uses vivid computer generated images and a series of experiments, bringing to life the unique conditions of the night that rendered Titanic doomed. All facts taken from the book 101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic by Tim Maltin.  北京卫视:  北京卫视《档案》无愧于自身“首度解密、真材实料”的金字招牌,在3D版《泰坦尼克号》热映之际,特别节目团队克服重重阻力、与中外制作各方倾力合作,最终让《泰坦尼克号之结案》——美国国家地理频道联袂卡梅隆重金打造的大型纪录片在中国首映、并同步于全球推出,让中国的纪录片爱好者、《泰坦尼克号》影迷能够与国际观众同时享受到这部“纪录圣经”。是什么导致瞭望员看不到冰山、是什么的导致周遭船只得不到求救信号?号称“永不沉没”的泰坦尼克号,为何几乎在瞬间葬身大海?千人命丧深渊,究竟谁才是罪魁祸首?2012年,新证词、新档案尘封解密,揭晓电影中不曾讲述的历史;抽丝剥茧,惊天真相终现,让电影里的故事在这里补完!