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类型:记录片 年代:2017
标签:HD中字 地区:西班牙
导演:Guillermo de Oliveira 演员:克林特·伊斯特伍德,赛尔乔·莱昂内,乔·丹特,恩尼奥·莫里康内,艾利克斯·德·拉·伊格莱希亚,詹姆斯·海特菲尔德
简介:  In 1966 the Spanish Army built a huge cemetery with over 5000 graves at Mirandilla Valley in Burgos for the final sequence in the film "The Good the Bad and the Ugly". After the shooting, the whole place was left behind and for 49 years, nature covered every tomb. In October 2015 a group of film fans decided to start digging - and under 3 inches of ground they found the original paved circle. For months, people from all around Europe traveled to Sad Hill to unearth and rebuild the place. Sad Hill Unearthed is the amazing story behind one of the most important locations in film history. It explores the dreams and motivations behind the fans but also the transformation of art, music and film in a substitute for religion.