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类型:欧美综艺 年代:2015
标签:已完结 地区:美国
演员:Bart Thomasson
简介:  DESCRIPTION  This is the Yellowstone you never knew.  It is a story newly told.  With a fresh voice, tuned to the experience of extremes.  With fresh visuals, captured with revolutionary new cinematic tools and techniques.  With a sense of intimacy that immerses you, with an epic scale that will overwhelm you, with a passion that is the measure of the ultimate wilderness.  This is a land of fire and ice, a world as ancient as it is alive: a vision, an adventure, a crucible of unimaginable forces.  This is Wild Yellowstone.  EPISODE GUIDE  Wild Yellowstone: The Frozen Frontier  Beavers and grizzly bears retreat under cover from the endless blizzard, while wolves, red foxes and river otters face winter head on.  Wild Yellowstone: Grizzly Summer  In summer, Yellowstone transforms into a wildlife paradise with a cruel dark side as grizzly bears emerge from mountain dens to roam for food.  Wild Yellowstone: She Wolf  An epic biopic of one female wolf, following her against-the-odds rise to a position of extraordinary power for a female: leader of her pack.